Better4Life is about wellness with a difference: Real health for real people.

Launched in 2011, Better4life is headed up by Charlotte Jean Steenekamp who is a Pilates InstructorNutritional Therapist, Herbal Formulator, SpeakerAuthor and Adult Learning Specialist in the private sector.

She has been keynote speaker at a TedX Lyttelton Women’s Conference and has been a speaker on the DSTV Real Health show. View videos.

Charlotte is also the developer of a 100% natural skincare range called Africa Grace.

Charlotte also heads up Better4life Training & Development as a multi-skilled adult learning and development practitioner. 



Charlotte Jean Steenekamp

Why the Natural Approach Works

The human body is designed to function the most effectively with REAL food (food that is nutritionally bioavailable). Natural nutrition is still the best source of energy, healing and good health. Eating the right foods, using medicinal herbs and making lifestyle changes can have a greater impact on your health than chronic medication.

Charlotte’s philosophy can be summed up as follows:

  • Eat whole foods, grown with respect and consideration
  • Only supplement where necessary
  • Keep moving with some physical challenge daily – Try our Pilates classes
  • Receive rest and sufficient deep sleep
  • Maintain a quiet mind and spirit

Find out more in Charlotte’s Nutrition and Recipe book: Good Food Matters.